Wheeeeeeeeee! I made the cover of Australian Beading this issue! It's a real thrill...and makes my heart glad for all kinds of reasons. When I picked up that first pack of clay and had my first play about 8 years ago, I knew instantly that I'd finally found my 'niche'. Hardly a soul even knew about polymer here in Australia, Aussiepolyclayers was only an idea in the founders head (Heather Richmond) , it formed a year or two afterwards. There were no Australian online polymer clay shops, no workshops taught, no books available. I was on my own. But... I'd found other people with the same focus at Polymer Clay Central, a USA based forum. I absorbed everything I could about polymer clay online...the PCC forum members were an amazing source of inspiration and help...I discovered there were books and videos...even a tv program in the USA dedicated solely to polymer clay that a friend taped and sent me...I just devoured it all...and I played. I played and I played. And I fell more and more in love with this stuff. Now I teach all over Australia, exhibit in Byron Bay and..... have a piece of my work on the cover of a mag. Just shows you the power of passion!
Fantastic! Congratulations! Will have to see if I can get hold of a copy here in the US. Beautiful piece.
Melly, I am so proud to call you friend. You are taking Oz by storm with your beautiful art. This cover is just the beginning. Next, your name in lights :D big hugs!
Melly your necklace looks absolutely beautiful on the front cover. You should be very proud of where your enthusiasm, exploration and dedication has taken you. I expect there would have been many ups and downs along the way but here you are on the front cover. Next the world my friend!
I'm so happy for you, you make fabulous things and you deserve it. Have a wonderful week!
Congratulations!! Your art is beautiful and you deserve to be on the cover!!! I can't wait to see some more!
Hi Melly, I was very excited and proud to see "my" PMC tutor on the cover of and featured in the Creative Beading magazine! Well done you!! Beaut stuff as usual!!
Congratulations girl!!!
That piece is truly gorgeous!
Hi Mel Congrats you deserve it, for all you have done for Poly clay and us.
You are an inspiration hope they eventually have a full Polymer clay Aus mag like Polymer Cafe with you on the cover of course. Is that too much to dream about?.
The necklace is beautiful and I must rush out and get my copy.
thank you for your efforts.
Oh wow Mel, how fantastic. You're a cover girl, in a manner of speaking. Congratulations!
Mel :) You so deserve the cover. I've seen your work bloom these past few years. You're an amazing artist.
Wow! Thanks for the resounding support! Makes my heart glad.
Even I noticed this necklace from your blog! You are BIG artist!
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