The Handbook of Metal Clay, Textures and Forms is a new book by Hadar Jacobson which I received (and devoured!) from Roz at Eclectic Studio the other day. I'm very impressed with this book. Not only do I love Hadars work and the fabulous projects, she writes about all kinds of valuable tricks and tips and this book comes with tons of good clear photos.
Also...a rare sighting of me with lippy! Had to have some pics taken for the magazine article and though I rarely wear makeup, I still remember how to put lipstick on, much to my husbands horror. Nice pic of the studio view too...everything is so lush from almost 7 weeks of rain!
lippy huh? I love the pic of you...such a sweet face :o)
ahhh Melly, you look beautimous! The lippy rocks....not that *I* wear it. Am glad someone can femme up some, sure it isn't me :) Hmmm, I wonder if she ships to the US. Looks like a great book.
awwww, you girls are so sweet!
Kath, check out Hadar Jacobsons website, she sells direct, published the book herself too and it isn't at Amazon. I also like it that it's a spiral bound book, much easier having the book flat on the clay table without dealing with paper weights to keep it open.
Beautiful pic, Mel! I loved Hadar's work too when I "dabbled" in PMC and was nuts about Hattie Sanderson. If you haven't been to this site below you'll enjoy the gallery.
Susan T
oiks...how much is that in merikan money Mel?
I am goign to ahve to save my pennies for a wee bit before I can get it. maybe for a birthday pressie or sumpin.
i have just recently discoved your blog and I love your art! I am just beginning with polymer and pmc, your work inspires me! Thanks
Thanks Susan and Deena! Wonderful to have you both pop in and comment. Buoys the spirit. And yes Susan, I love Hatties stuff too. I have all her dvds. She's a wonderful clear teacher and has some great tips that I've not seen in other books and vids. So has Hadars new books. You wait...I'm itching to try the flexible clay she talks about. You can add glyserin (sp?) to the sheet clay and it makes the clay flexible even once dry. Has great weaving capabilities and can cover rocks, cut down one side once dry, slip the rock out and it'll bounce back into that hollow form, add paste and voila! Silver hollow 'anything you want'!
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