Well, as some of you who have written to nag me about not blogging for over two weeks (good for you!) would know, I've been on hols...doing nothing but reading books and enjoying some down time, away from clay. I get stale if I don't do this every now and then. I cheated a couple of days here and there, wanted to make something for my Mum and make a start on a commissioned piece this week, but mostly just letting myself stop still for a while, feel who I am again. It was a whirlwind of a year for me and stopping for a while did me the world of good. But I'm back! had a wonderful day with some girlfriends yesterday. Since they were new to clay I thought I'd start them off with mokume gane, always a crowd pleaser! I have some beads in the tumbler for them as I write this and later on in the week, I'll have some 'show and tell' for you I promise. In the meantime, here's a pic of us all having a break. Anyone would think I worked them hard???
In the meantime, I want to introduce someone in the claying world who's work I've been admiring for a while now. I've been watching her progress over some time now and am so enjoying her work, I thought you might like to see it too. Many of you from the US will know her already but my Australian friends probably don't so this is for you. Interestingly, there's a new clay just released on the market, Studio by Sculpey...and I wasn't at all surprised to see that Susan has already 'test driven' it.
Enjoy her site...and I'll be back with pics next week!
welcome back Mel! You have been missed as have been your pretties. The four of you look too relaxed in that picture. But dang, if I had that view out of my windows, I would be kicking back too.
Oh, Mel! You can't imagine the "warm" feeling that came over me when I read your blog. First, I'm so happy to have a new entry! Second, I wish I were one of those girls!!!! I love women that have girlfriends and am always a little suspect of those who don't! And, third, I'm so thrilled that you mentioned me! It makes my heart skitter!!!! Thank you so much...I hope I can live up to your wonderful comments!
and.....are those cocktails???? Now I really wish I was there!!!
Hey girls! Great to be back! Yeah Kathi, the view out the windows throughout the house are what won me on this place in the beginning. Mind you, when we bought it, you couldn't see through the windows...everything was so damn dirty and messy, but I trusted that it'd be worth all the scraping and cleaning and trips to the dump...and it is!
And so glad to be able to help create warm fuzzies for you Susan. Yep, I love my girlfriends. They're scattered all over the country...and the world. And everytime we get together, you can be sure it looks something like that pic. Luckily I realized early on in life how valuable girlfriends are and always try to nurture these relationships. You ALREADY live up to my enthusiastic comments about your work Susan so no more effort required! Just do your thing, it seems to be working perfectly. And good spotting! Those are gin and tonics with fresh lime...my favorite drink for hot days! Come join us!
Hi Melly
Glad you enjoyed your lazy, hazy summer or should I say lazy, rainy summer.
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