I've been having a ball! Just spent two days in my studio making "rock themed" pendants for Aussiepolyclayers First Ever Swap Comp. We've had some wonderful swaps but Lisa Henderson (http://www.lillybriar.com/) came up with a FABulous idea in honour of our new forum (we've given yahoo the flick in exchange for a board that allows our members more flexiblity). A swap which is also a competition! This is an exciting national swap and competition open to all polymer clay crafters and artisans. The Swap is played out as normal with Swapeees making ONE EXTRA piece that is retained for the competition. Winner of the Great Swap Comp 2008 will win a $50 Gift Voucher to use at the Bead with Me, via in store or online. Winner will also receive a NEW Christi Friesen “Emerald Isle”T-shirt. There is ALSO a Peoples Choice Swaard (Swap/Award). Items will be on display to the public and the public will vote for their favourite. Winner will receive NEW Christi Friesen “Emerald Isle”T-shirt and their choice of Christi Friesen Book (Dragon’s, Jungle, Sea, Cats or the upcoming DownUnder).
Come check us out...Aussiepolyclayers... http://aussiepolyclay.21.forumer.com/
Everone welcome to become a member. Sign up for the swap too if it interests you. The more the merrier!
Ofcourse, this also means I can't show you pics of what I've been making because it's a secret till the swap deadline. So, I'll leave you with a picture of Lisa Hendersons beautiful work...
wow...those are some beautiful items she made. You Aussies are getting crazier then should be allowed *g*
LOL...How'd can you tell we're crazy?
I've just replaced the pic with a more recent work of hers Kath.
I see the newer picture. I like it too! I wonder if I should join in this group. Can I be an Aussie in name? I think I am becoming a swap junkie.
Kathi, we'd LOVE to have you join us in the swap! Come join our group and sign up for it! You'll be in our Honorary Aussie list!
Hey honey, thought I'd pop by.....HEY YEAH Kathi!! I have your 'swap passport' ready, just come aboard babe.
I( am there!! I even posted a "G'day from Ca"!!
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