I realize I have a lot more to share about the Robert Dancik workshop.
I’ve just stolen Libby’s http://www.libzoid.net/blog/ words for my title. As she said in yesterday’s comments section, “I loved all his pieces, parts and process examples.” This is precisely why I got so much out of the Robert Dancik’s “forming meaningful and lasting connections’ class. That… coupled with a really keen and creative mind and crystal clear communication. Robert got through to me on a totally different level of being than normally happens in a class. It also is making me look at my own teaching methods which to date have been very technique heavy, I don’t share so much of the underlying things that create a beautiful piece because I’m too busy getting the ‘teaching done’, and now I feel more drawn to take some time to explain the things that really help make a difference OTHER than just techniques…
There's still so much I'm getting out of it even now as some of the ah ha moments filter through.
I loved his teaching skills. I loved how he piled TONS of stuff all over the table, things he’d made over the years...encouraging us to rummage through them…talking about pieces that caught peoples attention.
I loved how there were so many interesting pieces…I really get that about making a piece interesting, getting the attention of the person holding/viewing the piece. I watched how my eyes traveled over certain pieces, noted how something attracted me, noticed the little things that kept me interested in the piece, noticed my response to hearing that it was concrete (omigod, CONCRETE!) or paper mache with some polymer squished in there! or this delicious material he uses called faux bone.
I loved how he started the workshop off with the sound of a Tibetan singing bowl. I have a pair of Tibetan chimes…two shallow bowled bells connected with a simple piece of leather. I love to use them to center myself or just for no reason at all. They’ve always fascinated me, how that tone touches the depths, opens the heart, clears the mind. I’ve never heard a singing bowl before but it has the same effect. So I hope Robert doesn’t mind me taking on this lovely way to start my own workshops…with a sound that goes on and on…
Anyhow, enough words for one day. But you get the idea don’t you? Do a workshop with Robert the next time he comes to your country (he travels allllll overrrr) and you’ll find, like me, that the workshop lingers long after it finishes.