Thursday, May 17, 2007

Big open hearted thanks to those who have left comments on this blog. I've recently re-activated my blog and am learning more about them...although I still don't know how to respond to peoples comments let me thank you all here and now!...and tell you that your comments have been such a delight to me!
What I DID learn recently is how to add links of my favorite blogs. While I've tried to just stick to blog addresses, there are still those special people who are too damn busy to write a I've typed in their web site links instead. Those of you who haven't seen them will be in for a treat! be sure to check them out some time.
I'm moving house in two weeks....yes...again! We've loved living here in Byron Bay and our wonderful beach walks every morning...but living in the burbs just isn't our style. We have the need to get our hands into the earth again, have some room to roam around on, be with the trees again. And so, we've bought a place half an hours drive from here, in the hinterland of Mullumbimby. 5 acres with an old hippy house which will be a labour of love to fix up and a view to stop you still! I'll let you know when I'm ready to hold workshops...or just come for a cuppa and drink in the view. This is a place that must be shared....
p.s. That little white dot on the right hand horizon of the middle photo is the Byron Bay light house...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

These beads are really popular and I keep forgetting to take pics before they sell. Not this time! see all those little balls on them? If anyone knows of a tool that's like a miniture melon ball maker, please let me know. It'd save an awful lot of time! Never mind, I have such a lovely time making these...very theraputic...I go off into a dreamy space and they kind of make themselves....